List of top Business journals

This web page aims to provide a latest list of top Business journals. The journals are Web of Science (SCI) indexed with high impact factor. Moreover, the listed journals are UGC CARE approved, Scopus indexed. The journals are sorted based on Scopus SJR score.

Top 110 Business journals

Top Business Journals
S. No.Journal TitlePublisherISSNSJR
1Strategic Management JournalJohn Wiley and Sons Ltd10970266, 014320958.497
2Marketing ScienceINFORMS Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences07322399, 1526548X7.593
3Journal of Marketing ResearchAmerican Marketing Association00222437, 154771937.415
4Journal of the Academy of Marketing ScienceSpringer New York00920703, 155278246.248
5Journal of Consumer ResearchOxford University Press00935301, 153752776.024
6Review of Corporate Finance StudiesOxford University Press20469136, 204691285.448
7Journal of International Business StudiesPalgrave Macmillan Ltd.00472506, 147869905.093
8Journal of Business VenturingElsevier Inc.88390265.029
9Academy of Management PerspectivesAcademy of Management155890804.84
10Journal of Management StudiesWiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd00222380, 146764864.492
11Leadership QuarterlyElsevier Inc.104898434.331
12Entrepreneurship Theory and PracticeWiley-Blackwell10422587, 154065204.323
13Strategic OrganizationSAGE Publications Ltd1741315X, 147612704.284
14Strategy ScienceINFORMS Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences23332077, 233320504.232
15Review of Accounting StudiesSpringer New York15737136, 138066534.212
16Journal of Interactive MarketingSAGE Publications Inc.10949968, 152066534.092
17Brookings Papers on Economic ActivityBrookings Institution Press00072303, 153344654.021
18IMF Economic ReviewPalgrave Macmillan Ltd.2041417X, 204141613.734
19European Business ReviewEmerald Group Publishing Ltd.0955534X3.667
20Global Strategy JournalJohn Wiley & Sons Inc.204258053.471
21Annals of Tourism ResearchElsevier Ltd.16073833.426
22Journal of Public Policy and MarketingAmerican Marketing Association07439156, 154772073.263
23Journal of World BusinessElsevier Inc.109095163.245
24Strategic Entrepreneurship JournalJohn Wiley & Sons Inc.19324391, 1932443X3.175
25Journal of Business LogisticsJohn Wiley & Sons Inc.21581592, 073537663.135
26International Journal of Production EconomicsElsevier92552733.028
27Transportation Research, Part E: Logistics and Transportation ReviewElsevier Ltd.136655453.005
28Business and SocietySAGE Publications Ltd00076503, 155242052.965
29Supply Chain ManagementEmerald Group Publishing Ltd.135985462.896
30Journal of Service ManagementEmerald Group Publishing Ltd.175758182.875
31Business Strategy and the EnvironmentJohn Wiley and Sons Ltd10990836, 096447332.87
32Small Business EconomicsSpringer Netherlands15730913, 0921898X2.732
33Journal of Innovation and KnowledgeElsevier BV2444569X, 253076142.649
34Technological Forecasting and Social ChangeElsevier Inc.4016252.644
35Journal of AdvertisingM.E. Sharpe Inc.15577805, 009133672.606
36Journal of Business EthicsSpringer Netherlands15730697, 016745442.59
37Journal of Business and PsychologyKluwer Academic/Human Sciences Press Inc.1573353X, 088932682.517
38Jahrbucher fur Nationalokonomie und StatistikWalter de Gruyter GmbH2140272.494
39Business HorizonsElsevier Ltd.768132.475
40International Business ReviewElsevier Ltd.96959312.455
41International Journal of Project ManagementElsevier BV26378632.333
42Journal of Corporate FinanceElsevier92911992.268
43International Small Business JournalSAGE Publications Ltd26624262.257
44Journal of Conflict ResolutionSAGE Publications Inc.2200272.164
45British Journal of ManagementWiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd10453172, 146785512.153
46Decision SciencesWiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd00117315, 154059152.122
47Journal of Policy Analysis and ManagementWiley-Liss Inc.02768739, 152066882.111
48Journal of International MarketingAmerican Marketing Association15477215, 1069031X2.088
49Family Business ReviewSAGE Publications Inc.17416248, 089448652.058
50Journal of Management InquirySAGE Publications Inc.15526542, 105649262.043
51Transportation Research, Part A: Policy and PracticeElsevier Ltd.96585642.029
52Academy of Management AnnalsAcademy of Management19416520, 1941606715.633
53Academy of Management JournalAcademy of Management1427310.91
54Journal of MarketingAmerican Marketing Association15477185, 0022242910.802
55Academy of Management ReviewAcademy of Management363742510.687
56International Journal of ForecastingElsevier16920701.972
57OrganizationSAGE Publications Ltd13505084, 146173231.96
58Business Ethics QuarterlyCambridge University Press1052150X1.947
59Journal of Destination Marketing and ManagementElsevier Ltd.2212571X1.936
60ACM Transactions on Information SystemsAssociation for Computing Machinery (ACM)10468188, 155828681.864
61Journal of Business Venturing InsightsElsevier Inc.235267341.783
62Entrepreneurship and Regional DevelopmentRoutledge14645114, 089856261.774
63Journal of International ManagementElsevier Inc.107542531.769
64Journal of International Business PolicyPalgrave Macmillan Ltd.25220691, 252207051.768
65Journal of Technology TransferKluwer Academic Publishers89299121.704
66Economy and SocietyRoutledge03085147, 146957661.69
67Marketing LettersSpringer New York1573059X, 092306451.672
68Journal of Intellectual CapitalEmerald Group Publishing Ltd.146919301.582
69International Journal of Human Resource ManagementRoutledge09585192, 146643991.571
70Journal of Small Business ManagementTaylor and Francis Ltd.00472778, 1540627X1.556
71Electronic MarketsSpringer Verlag14228890, 101967811.545
72Feminist EconomicsRoutledge14664372, 135457011.534
73Sport Management ReviewTaylor and Francis Ltd.144135231.513
74Business ResearchSpringer International Publishing AG21983402, 219826271.51
75R and D ManagementWiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd14679310, 003368071.497
76Technology in SocietyElsevier Ltd.0160791X1.491
77Management International ReviewSpringer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH09388249, 186189011.483
78International Journal of Logistics ManagementEmerald Group Publishing Ltd.17586550, 095740931.472
79Project Management JournalSAGE Publications Inc.19389507, 875697281.469
80International Journal of Electronic CommerceM.E. Sharpe Inc.10864415, 155793011.468
81British Journal of Industrial RelationsWiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd14678543, 000710801.433
82Asia Pacific Journal of ManagementSpringer New York21745611.41
83Journal of Economics and Management StrategyWiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd15309134, 105864071.4
84Journal of Management Science and EngineeringKeAi Communications Co.20962320, 258955321.384
85Journal of Personal Selling and Sales ManagementTaylor and Francis Ltd.15577813, 088531341.372
86Corporate Governance (Bingley)Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.147207011.349
87Management DecisionEmerald Group Publishing Ltd.2517471.345
88Competition and ChangeSAGE Publications Inc.10245294, 147722211.343
89International Journal of Stress ManagementAmerican Psychological Association10725245, 157334241.336
90Management Review QuarterlySpringer Verlag21981639, 219816201.327
91Industry and InnovationRoutledge13662716, 146983901.323
92Review of Managerial ScienceSpringer Verlag18636683, 186366911.312
93International Marketing ReviewEmerald Group Publishing Ltd.26513351.309
94International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and ResearchEmerald Group Publishing Ltd.135525541.287
95Journal of Management AnalyticsTaylor and Francis Ltd.23270039, 232700121.281
96Research in International Business and FinanceElsevier BV27553191.273
97Journal of Fashion Marketing and ManagementEmerald Group Publishing Ltd.136120261.271
98Journal of Industrial EconomicsWiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd14676451, 002218211.259
99Journal of Industrial Integration and ManagementWorld Scientific Publishing Co., Inc.24248630, 242486221.244
100Venture CapitalRoutledge14645343, 136910661.234
101Corporate Governance: An International ReviewEmerald Group Publishing Ltd.09648410, 146786831.219
102International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, ProceedingsAssociation for Computing Machinery (ACM)-1.214
103International Public Management JournalTaylor and Francis Ltd.15593169, 109674941.203
104BenchmarkingEmerald Group Publishing Ltd.146357711.185
105Journal of Business Finance and AccountingWiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd0306686X, 146859571.17
106Journal of Industrial RelationsSAGE Publications Inc.00221856, 147292961.165
107European Journal of Industrial RelationsSAGE Publications Ltd14617129, 095968011.146
108International Journal of Health GeographicsBioMed Central Ltd.1476072X1.142
109Australian Journal of ManagementSAGE Publications Ltd13272020, 031289621.132
110International Journal of Logistics Research and ApplicationsTaylor and Francis Ltd.13675567, 1469848X1.12

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